Paul Ross Fitness -

Teléfono: 671843155.
Página web:
Especialidades: Entrenador personal, Service establishment.

Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 9 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de Paul Ross Fitness

Paul Ross Fitness

Horario de Paul Ross Fitness

  • Lunes: 6–8 p.m.
  • Martes: 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m.
  • Jueves: 7:30 a.m.–7 p.m.
  • Viernes: 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Sábado: 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Domingo: 7:30 a.m.–12 p.m.

Hola Si estás buscando información sobre un entrenador personal y un servicio establecido, has llegado al lugar correcto Te presentamos a Paul Ross Fitness, una excelente opción para aquellos que desean mejorar su condición física y alcanzar sus metas deportivas.

Paul Ross Fitness está ubicado en la Calle de la Luna, 5, 28004 Madrid, España. Puedes comunicarte con ellos fácilmente llamando al Teléfono: 671843155 o visitando su página web oficial en

Este establecimiento se especializa en entrenamiento personal y te ofrece un servicio personalizado y adaptado a tus necesidades y objetivos. Los entrenadores de Paul Ross Fitness son profesionales y cuentan con la experiencia necesaria para guiarte en tu camino hacia una vida más saludable y activa.

Algunas de las características que hacen de Paul Ross Fitness una opción destacada son:

1. Entrenamiento personalizado: Los entrenadores de Paul Ross Fitness se asegurarán de que tus entrenamientos sean efectivos y adaptados a tus habilidades y metas.
2. Atención personal: El enfoque individual y la atención personal son parte del ADN de Paul Ross Fitness. Su equipo está dedicado a ayudarte a lograr tus objetivos.
3. Entorno agradable: El ambiente en Paul Ross Fitness es acogedor y estimulante, lo que hará que tus entrenamientos sean más agradables y motivadores.

Según Google My Business, Paul Ross Fitness tiene una excelente reputación y una opinión media de 5/5, basada en 9 valoraciones. Esto demuestra el alto nivel de satisfacción de sus clientes y el compromiso del equipo de Paul Ross Fitness en proporcionar un servicio de calidad.

Opiniones de Paul Ross Fitness

Paul Ross Fitness -
Bridget Fraser

Paul was a fantastic coach. Having spoken on the phone about what my goals were pre-wedding, he planned a programme of workouts for me that were tailored to the areas I wanted to work on and helped me work out areas of my diet and lifestyle that maybe stood in my way. I loved the fact I could do the workouts at home, around my work, but that I still had opportunities to check in with Paul or join online classes. He made sure to check in regularly and was so supportive - especially when I was unsure or needed help to stay on track! I felt completely supported the whole time and could quite quickly see the progress that I was after. I couldn’t have looked, or felt, better for my wedding. I would honestly recommend him to anyone looking for a PT who will listen to you, challenge you and get results!

Paul Ross Fitness -
Jennie Miles

We met Paul four years ago visiting Mojacar in Spain and visit his amazing boot camp sessions on the beach. He is incredibly knowledgeable and supportive in helping you on your fitness journey.
This year he has gone to online zoom classes which we use four times a week whilst in the uk. He is amazing and has helped us lose 8 stone between us this year and we are the fittest we have ever been. We will both be 60 next year. Never think you are too old to start getting fitter. Would highly recommend visiting Paul either in Spain or via his zoom classes.

Paul Ross Fitness -
sue timpson

I have been taking Paul’s online classes for just over a year now.
His Zoom classes are such a fantastic mix of full-body workouts, stretches & isometrics, but even remotely; his focus on his clients is amazing - you’ll always get help and support with your technique and form. I’ve trained with Paul 1:1 at his fitness centre in Spain and his help and advice has been invaluable as I’ve continued to workout alone at home.
The classes are genuinely a lot of fun - there is a group of regulars at most sessions and the camaraderie and encouragement between everyone is great.
I take as many classes per week as I can and always finish each one feeling way better than when I started.
I’ve done a variety of online & in-person fitness classes and courses over the (quite a few)! years and Paul is by far the best instructor.
No two classes are the same - there’s always something keeping me interested and challenged so I know this is something I will stick at. Can’t recommend PRF enough.

Paul Ross Fitness -
Margaret Stamp

We booked Paul Ross online coaching for our daughter 3 months before her wedding and he transformed her! Arms, Legs, and Bottom! The best wedding present we could have given her. She said it was tough, but she stuck with it, did exactly what she was told, food and exercise. Oh my goodness, what a job he did!

Paul Ross Fitness -
Barry Roots

Having found Paul Ross Fitness five years ago my wife and I who are both pensioners would highly recommend him. With his unlimited knowledge of how to train individuals to their full potential in a professional and enjoyable manner, with sound advice whether it be changing your body shape, muscle gain or just getting fitter, this is the man to go to. We spent years going to gyms waiting for other people to finish on their apparatus or running on the treadmill whilst watching tv to stop the boredom . We go to Pauls bootcamp on the beach as this suits us, others go on line or go to Paul for one to one sessions. Any of these options will get you results. Aided by his wife Jules you will always get good advice from Paul Ross Fitness.

Paul Ross Fitness -
clare louise blakemore

“Dear Paul, this is to send you HUGE thanks - at my age I was so afraid I wouldn’t be able to shed the fat but you absolutely proved me wrong! I’m seriously chuffed with how I look and I couldn’t have done it without you. For anyone out there who wants to get into shape Paul Ross Fitness is the best! Thank you ❤️

Paul Ross Fitness -
Jayne Proctor

Whenever in Spain I used to join PRF fitness on the beach for Paul's boot-camp sessions. When Paul launched his training via zoom in January 2020 it was a life saver. Locked down in the UK with everything closed, Paul's sessions enabled me to continue my training regularly. The support offered by Paul and Jules is invaluable and for 5 months I trained virtually. It was so nice to see familiar faces. Training is this way was new, but what a revelation. Paul's sessions not only kept me fit but really helped my mental health too. Paul constantly checks on form and technique. Back in Spain, Paul devised an individual 10 week strength training programme for me. The results have been amazing, enabling me to build on my strength and see some fantastic changes. Paul is a true professional in his field. He is more than happy to share his knowledge and experience and with his help you will reach your goals.

Paul Ross Fitness -
Julia Davies

Fantastic workout on the Beach! Fun and friendly.
