Bootcamp Spain - , Almería

Dirección: Par la hoya Alta 36 La Hoya Alta, 04850, Almería, España.
Teléfono: 950432690.
Página web:
Especialidades: Boot Camp.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 9 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.6/5.

Ubicación de Bootcamp Spain

Bootcamp Spain Par la hoya Alta 36 La Hoya Alta, 04850, Almería, España

Horario de Bootcamp Spain

  • Lunes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Martes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Miércoles: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Jueves: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Viernes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Sábado: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Domingo: Abierto las 24 horas

Bootcamp Spain es un centro especializado en Boot Camp, ubicado en la dirección Par la Hoya Alta 36, La Hoya Alta, 04850, Almería, España. Puedes contactarlos a través del teléfono 950432690 o visitar su página web

Sus principales especialidades se centran en ofrecer programas de entrenamiento intensivo tipo Boot Camp, diseñados para mejorar la condición física y la salud de sus participantes. Además, destacan por contar con instalaciones accesibles, con entrada y estacionamiento adaptados para personas en silla de ruedas.

Bootcamp Spain ha recibido un total de 9 valoraciones en Google My Business, con una opinión media de 4.6/5. Esto refleja la satisfacción de los usuarios con la calidad de sus servicios y la atención brindada.

Para aquellos interesados en mejorar su forma física, perder peso o simplemente disfrutar de un entrenamiento diferente y efectivo, Bootcamp Spain es una excelente opción. Su ubicación en Almería, en un entorno natural y tranquilo, permite a los participantes desconectar de la rutina diaria y enfocarse en sus objetivos de salud y bienestar.

Si estás buscando un lugar para mejorar tu condición física de manera intensiva y efectiva, no dudes en contactar con Bootcamp Spain a través de su página web. Inscríbete ya y comienza tu transformación hacia una vida más saludable y activa

Opiniones de Bootcamp Spain

Bootcamp Spain - , Almería
Mel Sharp

Boot camp spain is so much more than a camp to achieve weight loss. Bill and Debs truly help each individual get the most out of their stay with them. I learned so much about nutrition, different exercises and how mentally strong I am and feel like a whole different person after just spending 2 weeks there.

If you are looking for a 'retreat' with yoga, relaxation, and minimal activities then this camp is not for you. This bootcamp pushes you out of your comfort zone with a vast array of exercise including walking, hiking, tennis, spinning, weights classes, boxing, core work, cardio classes, team games, and more. You get up early and work hard, but reap the rewards when results day comes around.

I've been a few times now and somehow Bill, Debs and the other trainers (Paul, Ovie, Max and more) manage to adapt each activity to suit every individual irrespective of their age, size or capability.
The results they produce are astounding and the food is easily 5 star ⭐️
I would recommend to anyone wanting to change their life, get fitter, lose weight or improve their health.
I am already planning my return journey even though to date I've lost over 20kgs over 4 years and am now just trying to maintain, as I feel it is a really good way to reset, get back on track and push yourself.

Worth every penny.

Bootcamp Spain - , Almería
Ioana C

I cannot recommend it enough. It is an extraordinary experience of fitness and learning about health and nutrition.If you want to push yourself to be a better person - both mentally and physically - give it a go. As anything worth it is hard work. You will be sore and the physical effort will also challenge you mentally (and emotionally). Yet you will have all the support you can wish for from the staff/instructors as well as the other fellow campers. The instructors while very professional have the most genuine wish to support and help. Beyond the technical aspects (exercising and training) they will always offer a lot of advise about how to get stronger, be consistent, how to heal and fuel your body through food and, your mind through positive thinking. I was also part of a very supportive group of campers (most of which are returning clients) and by last week we worked as a team. During my first week in the Bootcamp I transitioned from being a form of life which is sitting on a chair to actually moving my body (who would have thought that is possible ?). It was hard yet by the end of the week I started getting my energy back and during my second week. During week 3 I noticed obvious improvements in my overall fitness and strength and I could notice, weight loss and muscle toning. I am all in all delighted with the results and progress. Along support, the varied schedule made the Bootcamp (e.g huge variety of, exercise from spinning, basketball, self-defense, weight training, stretching or boxing etc). At the end of each day there’s the opportunity to have a walk in the countryside in the desert. Tabernas desert is the only actual desert in Europe - and the evening walks give a rare chance to experience a fascinating and unique ecosystem which most people in Europe don’t even know exists. Food is delicious and it is by no means ‘a diet’ !!!! It is nourishing, tasty and definitely fuels you through all the hours of exercise. Along cooking delicious meals Debb has amazing knowledge of the benefitsfor each ingredient she uses and her passion for healing people with food (and exercise) is extraordinary and, quite contagious ! I think the fanciest chocolate truffles one can buy in Belgium can’t equal in taste (let alone in nutritional content!!) of Debb’s choc truffles. I have type 2 diabetes and I was on insulin when started the camp and by the end of it I had no need of insulin as Deb’s food combined with the exercise has been doing literally wonders for me. I hoped I’ll reduce the quantity of insulin maybe in months on the right diet etc but never hoped it would be possible to be off for 3 weeks with diet and exercise yet it happened.
If I’m summarize the most important things I’m (hopefully) taking home from the Bootcamp Spain:
1. Food and what we put in our body is much more important than we think. It is as important as exercise.
2. Exercising is not only for healing and making the body functional. It goes hand in hand with better mental health and overall improvement in how we see life.
3. It is your own journey yet at Bootcamp Spain you feel supported and you might come to realise you are not alone.
4. One of the best ways to keep eating healthy is to cook at home (whenever possible).
5. (This is my fav one from Bill) While it is not obvious, progress doesn’t happen only during those days when you succeed, when all is going great and you see your fitness level is improving; the days which count most are those when you don’t want to ‘do it’, when you find it hard even to put one foot in front of the other and yet you push through. BootcampSpain reminded me that not only in fitness but in life, what makes the difference is not when we succeed but when push through the failure and, the hard times.
Bootcamp Spain got me off insulin, made me meet extroardinary people and became a wake up call which will, ideally, dictate the roadmap for my health for the next years. I can’t wait to go back but until then I will do my best to use all I have learned. Thanks so much Debb and Bill (+dogs and rest of the team) !

Bootcamp Spain - , Almería

I couldn't be happier and more surprised by how professional everyone is here. It's challenging and the schedule is intense and very demanding. I feel very well taken care of in terms of the meals which are beautifully presented and delicious. The accommodations are clean and cheerful. I will definitely ? return to do more camps.

Bootcamp Spain - , Almería
Dan Drummond

I had never been to a boot camp before or anything remotely like this. I'm in my mid 50's and just started retirement and wanted to try and increase fitness and reduce weight as part of a drive to be able to better enjoy walking and hiking. So a kickstart was required as I'm a little bit impatient.

I thought this boot camp offered up good value for money as a start, I had little other parameters to assess. So in some ways I was shopping blind, though thought I would give it a go.

I was not disappointed and not only did it represent value for money. It was also a very good investment in time as well as investment in my body and mind.

Bill and Debbie have created a very good environment where you quickly relax into their home and surroundings and engage in a variety of physical exploits that improve your fitness from head to toe. The classes are both on and offsite and as diverse as gym based cardio HIT sessions amongst a whole bunch of other acronyms and spinning, cardio tennis, kick boxing (with mainly hand boxing) and a wee bit of self defence. Walking challenges abound!

Debbie additionally leads on all the meals and these were very well received and dispatched. Whilst it was clear we were on reduced calories I never felt hungry - and it was good to establish what little I could eat daily and still fully function. Another good takeaway from the 3 weeks!

In addition to diverse range of on and offsite classes there were about 6 different Personal Trainers, all of whom brought their own personalities and skills to bear and all who were committed to ensuring we did our best. Thanks Max, Paul, Uvie, Antonio, ++

Bill being a former professional boxing coach has significant experience in conditioning the body and uses all the tricks in the book to motivate you to give your best. In that regard he was sometimes more committed than I was to my own success - I would not have had it any other way, thanks.

In terms of results, I will keep the detail to myself, though I lost a great deal of weight, lost a good deal of fat, gained muscle. Most of all I gained a lot of energy and it has given me a great launch pad to enjoy retirement. I am now hiking and biking with much more ease and looking to enjoy this virtuous cycle.

Was it hard - of course it was, though very do'able - I am no athlete, and can be lazy, however this environment brings out the best in many of those that attend. And what I was pleased to see was that about a 1/3rd of those who attended, were returners. Whilst I hope not to be one, should I feel I need a reset or indeed want to do more concentrated fitness work, I would not hesitate to sign up again.

Last but not least, thanks to the fellow boot campers who provided great company throughout.

Bootcamp Spain - , Almería
Jenny Boardman

Truly amazing. An incredible physical and mental journey. One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. But if you’re really serious and prepared to put in the hard work and give it your best shot then Bill, Debbie and the team will get the best out of you and the best results. I was thrilled with the results they helped me achieve in just three weeks.

Bootcamp Spain - , Almería
al h

Having struggled the last 2 years with 2 bouts of covid, lockdown and menopause I was feel pretty low. Weight had piled on and my fitness levels were pretty much nonexistent. I knew I needed to do something drastic to get me back on track- whilst doing my research I came across boot camp Spain and straight away knew that’s what I needed to do so got booked up.
I did 3 weeks and have to say it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I actually feel like my old self again! I won’t lie it was bloody hard work but 100% worth it!
Every day is different so you are kept on your toes and doesn’t become boring. The instructors they have there are brilliant and really helpful.
For 3 weeks I didn’t have to think, I was told where I needed to be at what time and was given some amazing healthy food. I lost over a stone in weight and 4 inches off my waist. I just need to keep up the good work.

I can’t thank the team enough for everything they have done for me and made me feel. If you are on the fence just book it – you won’t regret it.

Bootcamp Spain - , Almería
claudia gomez


Bootcamp Spain - , Almería

The place is a joke. Rude people.
